09/07 14:24

Review of the Best PAMM Accounts of FXOpen in June 2020

The hot summer does not inspire much to think about forming an investment portfolio. Nevertheless, it is necessary to keep an eye on your investments and respond in time to what is happening in the market. Many would like to get connected to such PAMM providers that trade steadily and eliminate concerns about market drawdowns. In our PAMM reviews, we select profitable accounts from last month, so that investors can assess their prospects for a portfolio.

As of July 1, 2020, there are 193 active accounts in FXOpen. Subscribers’ invested funds amount to 1.910.613.00$ according to investflow statistics.

Promising PAMM accounts: Top 10 by FXOpen


This provider shows an excellent trading result in June: +25.62%. The manager was able to survive the difficulties in March and April and has been demonstrating a positive trend since May. The maximum drawdown of the account was only 29.25%, while the maximum deposit load did not exceed 19.86%. The trader mostly trades in the medium term, with gold accounting for the major part of his deals (XAU/USD). You can join the account with 500 USD or more.


The provider has been trading quite steadily since April 2020, bringing investors a modest income every month. In June, they were able to earn +8.80%. In 2020, the profit was already 26%, taking into account the fact that two months were closed with negative results. At the moment the provider is stable, there is no floating drawdown on the account. There is also a set of profitable positions. Only #NDXm instrument is traded.


This manager is one of the winners of the “Forex Managers” contest. They have been trading on the platform since 25.09.2019 and now demonstrate stable conservative trading. This account operates in Russian rubles. In June they managed to earn 2.91%. Such a profit percentage is demonstrated almost every month. The maximum drawdown does not exceed 6.95%, and the deposit load is at conservative levels.


Another conservative provider on the FXOpen platform. They earned +3.43% in June and almost managed to recover from the unsuccessful period in early spring. The maximum drawdown is still at a decent level, while there is no floating drawdown. AUD/USD, USD/JPY, GBP/USD, and EUR/USD currency pairs still hold the main positions. You can invest in the account of the provider with 10 USD or more.


And yet another conservative provider for a conservative portfolio. Their trading has been conducted steadily since December 2015, i.e. for almost 5 years. Yes, they don’t have a high yield, but there are no large drawdowns either. In June they earned +4.05%, with a total of 18% since the beginning of the year. This is a great result for a conservative trader. The minimum investment for joining starts at 20 USD, with 75% of the account income received by the investor.


Despite the name, this manager conducts aggressive trading and withdraws all profits from the account. Nevertheless, their profitability sometimes goes off the charts. In June, they were able to earn almost 70% of the income and recover the account after an unsuccessful drawdown that reached a maximum level of 72.5%. The only thing that may draw your enthusiasm off a bit is the minimum investment of 1000 USD with the manager’s capital of 200 USD.


It is a stable provider conducting very moderate trading and showing aggressive profits. They mainly trade with EUR/USD. The income in June was 6.46%, with a total of 117% since the beginning of the year. At the moment of writing this, there is a set of profitable positions with no floating drawdown. It is possible to join the provider with 1 USD or more.


This is one of the FXOpen platform old-timers. The account was opened back in January 2011. The provider has set up conservative advisors that provide investors with conservative returns in all conditions. You can join with 1 USD or more. At the time of writing this review, there is no floating drawdown of the account.

It was the top ten most promising PAMM accounts in terms of mid-summer profitability.

We wish you all successful investments!
